Monday, October 09, 2006

Another one in REHAB

It seems now that everyone i use to party with is going to rehab. Just got an email today from an old friend saying he is on his way to inpatient rehab. It has been very interesting watching all of us in our own way and own time have slowly given up on the partying days. Made me recall how i got started and how i got away.
Contrary to popular belief i use to be a prude. HUGE STUCK UP/ UPTIGHT RICH ASSHOLE. i think that describes most of my behaviour prior to indulging in my first illegal drug. I started with E, not pot just E. It was also my first time at the legendary Club Universe in San Francisco. I remember the evening as running around with my hag introducing her to everyone as Madonna. I some how got it in my head that this fat bitch was Madonna. HALLARIOUS. Then somehow everyone at my work at the time was all about it. Applebee's Restaurant. In fact on many many occasions many of the servers would all take a half hit of E on a busy night to make it fun. OH YEA, ROLLING ON E WHILE WAITING TABELS AT APPLEBEE'S. Jhezuss. what the fuck where we thinking. It was also the time that Red Bull came out. Yeah add on two cans of that. Whew did i give good service.
From there to my 21st birthday is a blur. Living in SF i went all out for my 21st. Three day party with VIP rooms in the top clubs on the west coast. Three fucking days LA to SF all around like a fucking fool. Well bad planning, the final day of the festivities was my actual birthday, actually St. Patrick's Day too. Well by the time i got myself and my entourage out of my house it was 3pm and i pasted out at the Bar on Castro, with a frozen Cosmo in hand. Classy! From there my cocain addiction developed.
Until i moved to New Orleans is another blur of way to much sex, drugs, and drama. New Orleans actually signaled my recovery. I was getting evicted from my fabulous ocean view studio apartment in SF. So i went a running. FAR, FAR away from all my partying friends. Now bout two years later and back in SF, Happy and the furthest from the party scene as humanly possible. Yeah i know a porn star that doesn't do drugs isn't very sexy, but hey i was over it. Since my dramatic move to New Orleans almost all of my friends from my partying hay day have all entered some form of recovery or another, well all accept one. We are still waiting for him. I don't believe I have any regrets besides doing Tina. I have made it out with only a few permanent injuries. I got my life back. As boring now as it is, I love it. I am proud to have been through all of it and relived to have made it out.

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