Wednesday, November 08, 2006

HUGE win for San Francisco Values

Wow, what a great night. I spent the evening at a Chris Daly green party event. UGH. For the record i agree with a lot of Daly's ideas and values, but i very very much do not agree with how he conducts business and himself. I am a Democrat who supports the green party. nuff said. I also am glad Pombo is getting kicked out of office. very gald.
Now that Pelosi, A SAN FRANCISCAN, is speaker of the house watch the subpoenas roll out. now that we have control of spending, committee chair control and subpoena power the balance of power has shifted. Voters turned out to tell bush and other to fuck off. as Pelosi said "Its time to drain the swamp". I am very excited Dem's took control of the house and look for then to take control of the Senate. A party has never taken the House and not taken the Senate int he same election. This mid term election really shows how the rest of the country is finally had enough of the Bush regime. This election has made a HUGE shift in the way our country will be led. I am thrilled Pelosi has become the first female speaker of the house. I am elated San Francisco values are on the forefront of American politics again. Today is a good day to be an American, Ii's a great day to be a democrat, its a better day to be a San Franciscan, and an amazing day for woman worldwide.

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