Friday, November 10, 2006

How far does semen usually shoot out? -

How far does semen usually shoot out? - "Question:
How far does semen usually shoot out?

To answer that question you have to look at the individual in question, their level of arousal, stimulation and most importantly their age and muscle tone. As a general rule, studies on the physiology of sex shows that the average male 'shoots' anywhere from 1-3 feet during their first ejaculation when they are between the ages of 14-18. This distance decreases with each additional ejaculation. The upper age limit depends alot on the individual, but some studies found that individuals who have a very short refractory period ( the tmie period between the end of one's ejaculation and ability to achieve another erection and ejaculation) also impacts the distance their semen will travel.

For a young male, there have been several studies, that have measured the speed at which the semen travels out of the penis and it averages about 23-27 mph, but that is dependent on the physical characteristics of the penis, such as size, shape, bend, and rigidity of erection. In other words, the harder the penis is during ejaculation, the father your semen will travel.

The force of ejaculation diminishes rapidly with age, and by 30, the distance drops from several feet to a foot or less, once again, the level of stimulation being a major factor. Additionally penis rigidity diminishes with age and while a man may be able to achieve an erection, and have satisfying sex for both himself and his partner, his penis will be somewhat softer during intercourse/masturbation than it was during his younger years...

I shot a load 53 inches for a cum shooting contest dvd. HA. lol

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